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Gifted and Talented
Mesa Public Schools Gifted and Talented department is committed to providing appropriate services for students who require differentiated educational services beyond those normally provided by our regular school program. Opportunities for depth and acceleration are offered to meet both affective and cognitive needs of our gifted and talented students.
More about Gifted and Talented
Music Education
The MPS Music Education Program provides support services for all elementary and secondary schools. The primary focus of the various programs, including band, choral music, general music, harp and orchestra is to develop comprehensive musicianship.
More About Music Education
Young children of all abilities learn and grow together in high quality inclusive classrooms where each child receives the necessary support, equipment, and materials to access their curriculum and meaningfully participate in their educational environment.
More About Preschool
Science - Technology - Engineering - Mathematics: STEM education is not a class we teach, it is the culture we build in communities throughout Mesa Public Schools. Here at Mesa Public Schools, we foster partnership with the entire spectrum of STEM related fields to provide our students deeper and more personalized learning.
More about STEM
Xplore is an exciting, extended-day program for Kindergarten (must be 5 years old) to 6th grade students in Mesa Public Schools. Children will experience a variety of instructional and recreational activities, including academic support, engineering, science, virtual reality, athletics and more.
More about Xplore